Source code for lc_correction.compute

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging

DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 1.4  #: max threshold for distnr
SCORE_THRESHOLD = 0.4  #: max threshold for sgscore
CHINR_THRESHOLD = 2  #: max threshold for chinr
SHARPNR_MAX = 0.1  #: max value for sharpnr
SHARPNR_MIN = -0.13  #: min value for sharpnr
ZERO_MAG = 100.  #: default value for zero magnitude (a big value!)
TRIPLE_NAN = (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan)

                    format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s.%(funcName)s: %(message)s',
                    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',)

[docs]def correction(magnr, magpsf, sigmagnr, sigmapsf, isdiffpos, oid=None): """ Correction function. Implement of correction formula. :param magnr: Magnitude of nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [mag] :type magnr: float :param magpsf: Magnitude from PSF-fit photometry [mag] :type magpsf: float :param sigmagnr: 1-sigma uncertainty in magnr within 30 arcsec [mag] :type sigmagnr: float :param sigmapsf: 1-sigma uncertainty in magpsf [mag] :type sigmapsf: float :param isdiffpos: 1 => candidate is from positive (sci minus ref) subtraction; 0 => candidate is from negative (ref minus sci) subtraction :type isdiffpos: int :return: Correction for magnitude, sigma and sigma_ext :rtype: tuple Example:: (m_corr, s_corr, s_corr_ext) = correction(a, b, c, d, e) """ if magnr < 0 or magpsf < 0: return TRIPLE_NAN try: aux1 = 10**(-0.4 * magnr) aux2 = 10**(-0.4 * magpsf) aux3 = aux1 + isdiffpos * aux2 if aux3 > 0: magpsf_corr = -2.5 * np.log10(aux3) aux4 = aux2**2 * sigmapsf**2 - aux1**2 * sigmagnr**2 if aux4 >= 0: sigmapsf_corr = np.sqrt(aux4) / aux3 else: sigmapsf_corr = ZERO_MAG sigmapsf_corr_ext = aux2 * sigmapsf / aux3 else: magpsf_corr = ZERO_MAG sigmapsf_corr = ZERO_MAG sigmapsf_corr_ext = ZERO_MAG return magpsf_corr, sigmapsf_corr, sigmapsf_corr_ext except Exception as e: logging.error('Object {}: {}'.format(oid, e)) return TRIPLE_NAN
[docs]def apply_correction(candidate): """ Correction function for a set of detections :param candidate: A dataframe with detections of a candidate. :type candidate: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :return: Wrapper for correction for magnitude, sigma and sigma_ext :rtype: tuple Example:: (m_corr, s_corr, s_corr_ext) = correction(a, b, c, d, e) """ isdiffpos = 1 if (candidate["isdiffpos"] in ["t", "1"]) else -1 magnr = candidate["magnr"] magpsf = candidate['magpsf'] sigmagnr = candidate['sigmagnr'] sigmapsf = candidate['sigmapsf'] magpsf_corr, sigmapsf_corr, sigmapsf_corr_ext = correction(magnr, magpsf, sigmagnr, sigmapsf, isdiffpos) return magpsf_corr, sigmapsf_corr, sigmapsf_corr_ext
[docs]def near_stellar(first_distnr, first_distpsnr1, first_sgscore1, first_chinr, first_sharpnr): """ Get if object is near stellar :param first_distnr: Distance to nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec [pixels] :type first_distnr: :py:class:`float` :param first_distpsnr1: Distance of closest source from PS1 catalog; if exists within 30 arcsec [arcsec] :type first_distpsnr1: :py:class:`float` :param first_sgscore1: Star/Galaxy score of closest source from PS1 catalog 0 <= sgscore <= 1 where closer to 1 implies higher likelihood of being a star :type first_sgscore1: :py:class:`float` :param first_chinr: DAOPhot chi parameter of nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec :type first_chinr: :py:class:`float` :param first_sharpnr: DAOPhot sharp parameter of nearest source in reference image PSF-catalog within 30 arcsec :type first_sharpnr: :py:class:`float` :return: if the object is near stellar :rtype: tuple """ nearZTF = 0 <= first_distnr < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD nearPS1 = 0 <= first_distpsnr1 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD stellarPS1 = first_sgscore1 > SCORE_THRESHOLD stellarZTF = first_chinr < CHINR_THRESHOLD and SHARPNR_MIN < first_sharpnr < SHARPNR_MAX return nearZTF, nearPS1, stellarPS1, stellarZTF
[docs]def is_stellar(nearZTF, nearPS1, stellarPS1, stellarZTF): """ Get if object is stellar :param nearZTF: :type nearZTF: bool :param nearPS1: :type nearPS1: bool :param stellarPS1: :type stellarPS1: bool :param stellarZTF: :type stellarZTF: bool :return: if the object is stellar :rtype: bool """ return (nearZTF & nearPS1 & stellarPS1) | (nearZTF & ~nearPS1 & stellarZTF)
[docs]def is_dubious(corrected, isdiffpos, corr_magstats): """Get if object is dubious :param corrected: :type corrected: bool :param isdiffpos: :type isdiffpos: bool :param corr_magstats: :type corr_magstats: bool :return: if the object is dubious :rtype: bool """ return (~corrected & (isdiffpos == -1)) | (corr_magstats & ~corrected) | (~corr_magstats & corrected)
[docs]def dmdt(magpsf_first, sigmapsf_first, nd_diffmaglim, mjd_first, nd_mjd): """ Calculate dm/dt :param magpsf_first: :type magpsf_first: float :param sigmapsf_first: :type sigmapsf_first: float :param nd_diffmaglim: :type nd_diffmaglim: float :param mjd_first: :type mjd_first: float :param nd_mjd: :type nd_mjd: float :return: dm_sigma, dt, dmsigdt :rtype: tuple Example:: dm_sigma, dt, dmsigdt = dmdt(magpsf_first, sigmapsf_first, nd.diffmaglim, mjd_first, nd.mjd) """ dm_sigma = magpsf_first + sigmapsf_first - nd_diffmaglim dt = mjd_first - nd_mjd dmsigdt = (dm_sigma / dt) return dm_sigma, dt, dmsigdt
[docs]def apply_correction_df(df): """ Correction function for a set of detections with the same object id and filter id. Use with pd.DataFrame.apply(this) :param df: A dataframe with detections of a candidate. :type df: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :return: A pandas dataframe with detections corrected :rtype: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` Example:: corrected = detections.groupby(["objectId", "fid"]).apply(apply_correction_df) """ df.set_index("candid", inplace=True) df['isdiffpos'] = df['isdiffpos'].map({'t': 1., 'f': -1., '1': 1., '0': -1.}) df["corrected"] = df["distnr"] < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD correction_results = df.apply( lambda x: correction(x.magnr, x.magpsf, x.sigmagnr, x.sigmapsf, x.isdiffpos, x.objectId) if x["corrected"] else (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan), axis=1, result_type="expand") df["magpsf_corr"], df["sigmapsf_corr"], df["sigmapsf_corr_ext"] = correction_results[0], correction_results[1], correction_results[2] corr_magstats = df.loc[df.index.min()]["corrected"] df["dubious"] = is_dubious(df["corrected"], df['isdiffpos'], corr_magstats) return df.drop(["objectId", "fid"], axis=1)
[docs]def apply_mag_stats(df, distnr=None, distpsnr1=None, sgscore1=None, chinr=None, sharpnr=None): """ :param df: A dataframe with corrected detections of a candidate. :type df: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :param distnr: :type distnr: float :param distpsnr1: :type distpsnr1: float :param sgscore1: :type sgscore1: float :param chinr: :type chinr: float :param sharpnr: :type sharpnr: float :return: A pandas dataframe with magnitude statistics :rtype: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` """ response = {} # minimum and maximum candid idxmin = df.mjd.idxmin() idxmax = df.mjd.idxmax() # corrected at the first detection? response['corrected'] = df.loc[idxmin]["corrected"] distnr = df.loc[idxmin].distnr if distnr is None else distnr distpsnr1 = df.loc[idxmin].distpsnr1 if distpsnr1 is None else distpsnr1 sgscore1 = df.loc[idxmin].sgscore1 if sgscore1 is None else sgscore1 chinr = df.loc[idxmin].chinr if chinr is None else chinr sharpnr = df.loc[idxmin].sharpnr if sharpnr is None else sharpnr response["nearZTF"], response["nearPS1"], response["stellarZTF"], response["stellarPS1"] = near_stellar(distnr, distpsnr1, sgscore1, chinr, sharpnr) response["stellar"] = is_stellar(response["nearZTF"], response["nearPS1"], response["stellarZTF"], response["stellarPS1"]) # number of detections and dubious detections response["ndet"] = df.shape[0] response["ndubious"] = df.dubious.sum() # reference id response["nrfid"] = len(df.rfid.dropna().unique()) # psf magnitude statatistics response["magpsf_mean"] = df.magpsf.mean() response["magpsf_median"] = df.magpsf.median() response["magpsf_max"] = df.magpsf.max() response["magpsf_min"] = df.magpsf.min() response["sigmapsf"] = df.magpsf.std() response["magpsf_first"] = df.loc[idxmin].magpsf response["sigmapsf_first"] = df.loc[idxmin].sigmapsf response["magpsf_last"] = df.loc[idxmax].magpsf # psf corrected magnitude statatistics response["magpsf_corr_mean"] = df.magpsf_corr.mean() response["magpsf_corr_median"] = df.magpsf_corr.median() response["magpsf_corr_max"] = df.magpsf_corr.max() response["magpsf_corr_min"] = df.magpsf_corr.min() response["sigmapsf_corr"] = df.magpsf_corr.std() response["magpsf_corr_first"] = df.loc[idxmin].magpsf_corr response["magpsf_corr_last"] = df.loc[idxmax].magpsf_corr # corrected psf magnitude statistics response["magap_mean"] = df.magap.mean() response["magap_median"] = df.magap.median() response["magap_max"] = df.magap.max() response["magap_min"] = df.magap.min() response["sigmap"] = df.magap.std() response["magap_first"] = df.loc[idxmin].magap response["magap_last"] = df.loc[idxmax].magap # time statistics response["first_mjd"] = df.loc[idxmin].mjd response["last_mjd"] = df.loc[idxmax].mjd return pd.Series(response)
[docs]def apply_objstats_from_correction(df): """ :param df: A dataframe with corrected detections of a candidate. :type df: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :return: A pandas series with statistics of an object :rtype: :py:class:`pd.Series` """ response = {} idxmax = df.mjd.idxmax() response["ndethist"] = df.loc[idxmax].ndethist response["ncovhist"] = df.loc[idxmax].ncovhist response["mjdstarthist"] = df.loc[idxmax].jdstarthist - 2400000.5 response["mjdendhist"] = df.loc[idxmax].jdendhist - 2400000.5 response["meanra"] = df.ra.mean() response["meandec"] = df.dec.mean() response["sigmara"] = df.ra.std() response["sigmadec"] = df.dec.std() response["firstmjd"] = df.mjd.min() response["lastmjd"] = df.loc[idxmax].mjd response["deltamjd"] = response["lastmjd"] - response["firstmjd"] return pd.Series(response)
[docs]def apply_objstats_from_magstats(df): """ :param df: A dataframe with magnitude statistics. :type df: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :return: A pandas series with statistics of an object :rtype: :py:class:`pd.Series` """ response = {} response["nearZTF"] = df.nearZTF.all() response["nearPS1"] = df.nearPS1.all() response["stellar"] = df.stellar.all() response["corrected"] = df.corrected.all() response["ndet"] = df.ndet.sum() # sum of detections in all bands response["ndubious"] = df.ndubious.sum() # sum of dubious corrections in all bands fids = df.fid.unique() if 1 in fids and 2 in fids: g = df[df["fid"] == 1].T.squeeze() r = df[df["fid"] == 2].T.squeeze() response["g-r_max"] = g["magpsf_min"] - r["magpsf_min"] # 1=g ; 2=r response["g-r_max_corr"] = g["magpsf_corr_min"] - r["magpsf_corr_min"] response["g-r_mean"] = g["magpsf_mean"] - r["magpsf_mean"] response["g-r_mean_corr"] = g["magpsf_corr_mean"] - r["magpsf_corr_mean"] else: response["g-r_max"] = np.nan response["g-r_max_corr"] = np.nan response["g-r_mean"] = np.nan response["g-r_mean_corr"] = np.nan return pd.Series(response)
[docs]def apply_object_stats_df(corrected, magstats, step_name=None): """ :param corrected: A dataframe with corrected detections. :type corrected: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :param magstats: A dataframe with magnitude statistics. :type magstats: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :param step_name: :type step_name: string :return: Object statistics in a dataframe :rtype: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` """ basic_stats = corrected.groupby("objectId").apply(apply_objstats_from_correction) obj_magstats = magstats.groupby("objectId").apply(apply_objstats_from_magstats) basic_stats['step_id_corr'] = 'corr_bulk_0.0.1' if step_name is None else step_name return basic_stats.join(obj_magstats)
[docs]def do_dmdt(nd, magstats, dt_min=0.5): """ :param nd: A dataframe with non detections. :type nd: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :param magstats: A dataframe with magnitude statistics. :type magstats: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :param dt_min: :type dt_min: float :return: Compute of dmdt of an object :rtype: :py:class:`pd.Series` """ response = {} nd.reset_index(inplace=True) mjd_first = magstats.first_mjd.iloc[0] if isinstance(magstats, pd.DataFrame) else magstats.first_mjd mask = nd.mjd < mjd_first - dt_min response["close_nondet"] = nd.loc[mask].mjd.max() < nd.loc[nd.mjd < mjd_first].mjd.max() # is there some non-detection before the first detection if mask.sum() > 0: magpsf_first = magstats.magpsf_first.iloc[0] if isinstance(magstats, pd.DataFrame) else magstats.magpsf_first sigmapsf_first = magstats.sigmapsf_first.iloc[0] if isinstance(magstats, pd.DataFrame) else magstats.sigmapsf_first # assume the worst case dm_sigma, dt, dmsigdt = dmdt(magpsf_first, sigmapsf_first, nd.loc[mask].diffmaglim, mjd_first, nd.loc[mask].mjd) idxmin = dmsigdt.idxmin() response["dmdt_first"] = dmsigdt.loc[idxmin] response["dm_first"] = magpsf_first - nd.diffmaglim.loc[idxmin] response["sigmadm_first"] = sigmapsf_first - nd.diffmaglim.loc[idxmin] response["dt_first"] = dt.loc[idxmin] else: response["dmdt_first"] = np.nan response["dm_first"] = np.nan response["sigmadm_first"] = np.nan response["dt_first"] = np.nan return pd.Series(response)
[docs]def do_dmdt_df(magstats, non_dets): """ :param magstats: A dataframe with magnitude statistics. :type magstats: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :param non_dets: A dataframe with non detections. :type non_dets: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` :return: Compute of dmdt of an object in a dataframe :rtype: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` """ g_mags = magstats.groupby(["objectId", "fid"]) g_nd = non_dets.groupby(["objectId", "fid"]) idxs = g_mags.indices.keys() result = [] for idx in idxs: if idx in g_nd.indices.keys(): non_dets_g = g_nd.get_group(idx) magstats_g = g_mags.get_group(idx) resp = do_dmdt(non_dets_g, magstats_g) resp["objectId"], resp["fid"] = idx[0], idx[1] result.append(resp) return pd.DataFrame.from_records(result, index=["objectId", "fid"])